How to create the work life balance

and selfcare you need as a nurse

without burning out, feeling like you're letting others down or quitting the industry you love!

Click below to get the FREE and ON DEMAND training you
deserve to thrive, not just survive! 🌟

Welcome to a New Chapter in Nursing

Your journey to transformation starts here!

I am looking forward to getting to know you!

Get to learn how we can help you beat Nurse Burnout.

Did you know....

Did you know that at least 25% of nurses have experienced burnout, according to 2023 stats?

This includes;

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Exhaustion - both physical and emotional

  • High workload demands

    and the list goes on.

At least 85% of us lose passion for our careers because of just how freaking hard this gets!

But I can tell you now...

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Did you know that at least 25% of nurses have been experiencing burnout symptoms, according to 2023 Stats?

This includes stress, anxiety, depression, emotional exhaustion, high workload demands, physical exhaustion and the list goes on.

85% of us lose passion for our careers because of how freaking hard this gets.

But I can tell you this, it doesn’t have to be this way.

What You'll Learn

Secret #1 - How to unwind from your shifts and create work life balance - guilt free!

  • Discover why it's so hard to unwind and relax--even when you're off shift

  • Learn how to put yourself first (for once!) guilt-free

  • Get the step by step Switch Off plan to finally prioritise your self-care

Secret #2 - How to be a valuable team member while staying true to your values.

  • Learn how to say ‘NO’ without rocking the boat

  • Uncover the secret to being the best team member you can be (without doing everything for everyone)

  • Discover why being 'Healthily Selfish' could save you a whole lot of heartache in the long run the track

Secret #3 - How to avoid years of trial and error in survival mode with effective strategies for managing shift work

  • Uncover the REAL reason for nurses leaving the industry (or staying becoming bitter...!) and how you rise above it

  • Learn the secret to being fully present with your loved ones--even after a tough shift

  • Make an action plan for success in your personal and professional life


You're In The Right Place If You're...

Looking to excel in your nursing career--whether you've just started or you're and industry veteran

Looking for lasting results

Struggling to find a balance between your shift work and your personal life

Tired of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed

Trying to prevent nurse burnout

Struggling to find a health, wellness or mindfulness program that works for you

Regardless of where you find yourself on the nurse-burnout journey, you’re absolutely in the right place!

I can’t wait to share more on this with you in my FREE training video.

Do you want to finally discover how to live a healthier life without living on six cups of coffee a day?

Read on!

Meet your host!

Jeanelle (RN, BScN), Author & Holistic Coach

Hello and welcome to Nursing the Nurse!

For the past 4 years, I’ve been working tirelessly to help nurses, like you prevent and beat burnout despite the demanding nature of the industry we love.

After going through the struggling of burnout just 6 months into my career, I realised something had to be done or I was at risk of giving up on a job I loved.

I set to beat burnout and after a lot of research (and hard work!) I put together my 6 Key Elements of Beating Nurse Burnout and published my very first book.

The raving reviews told me there was a need to do more--and Nursing the Nurse is the result.

Get the free training below to discover more on my methods.

What My Clients Have Said:

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